Exterior home remodeling service in Maryland

When you think of making any kind of change to the exterior of your home – structure, style, etc – you’re thinking of doing what’s called “exterior remodeling”. The process can transform an ordinary home into a spectacular one in terms of both appearance and functionality.

Exterior remodeling can either be a simple change of color on your exterior walls or a complete makeover of the entire exterior, down to the window treatments. By adding a stunning entry door and a portico or a spectacular front porch adorned with beautiful columns or custom shutters and designer window panes, you can feel like you’re in an entirely new home.

Before remodeling your home, you need to have a clear plan of what you want to accomplish and a budget in mind. You don’t want to end up spending most of your budget without even completing half of the work. It is always better to get advice from renowned contractors that have experience with the process, from planning to completion.


What part of the house is the renovation for?

As the name suggests, it is mainly done on the exterior – the outside portion – of your home. People usually opt for exterior remodeling either to improve the look of their home or to repair damage or old age. But not everyone is qualified, or has the time, to correctly do the remodeling on their own.

Giving the job to professional contractors –  like ourselves –  will help you to complete the job quickly and within your budget limitations. Usually you can simply give us a call and explain your vision and we’ll be happy to provide you with a number of options to achieve your goals. We can discuss difficulties with you and suggest other alternatives if we foresee any major issues.

Why should you remodel the outside of your home?


Your home is your resting place and your escape from the noise of the world; it’s where you spend a significant portion of your time, and entertain family and friends. And when you first move in, it’s usually in great condition. But with normal day-to-day activity causing wear and tear, over time it starts to lose that pristine condition.

Renovating or remodeling the exterior of your home can help it look and feel new again. Renovating can also end up saving you money in the long run. If you have an older home, it may not have some of the cost-saving tech that is available in more modern homes, such as energy efficient windows or solar panels. Adding those to your older home can help improve your energy bill from month-to-month.

Why would you need to alter the outside of your home?

There are two main reasons that you would need to remodel the outside of your home and that’s to protect your investment or to lower maintenance costs.

Your home is likely your largest investment, so it’s important that you protect that investment properly. Over the years, parts of the exterior of your house – like the siding – can get weakened or damaged by things like weather, pests, age, moisture, and many more.

In order to protect your investment, and to stop the damage from getting worse, an exterior makeover could be necessary. That exterior maintenance now will end up saving you money down the line; a well-maintained home is less likely to experience any kind of catastrophic damage from lack of repairs.

The older your home is, the more prone it is going to be to needing minor repairs regularly. Take gutters as an example, on older homes the gutters need to be cleaned with some regularity. Which means paying someone else to do it, or getting on a ladder and doing it yourself.

A renovated gutter system, one that includes covers, would drastically reduce the frequency that the gutters needed cleaning. Another renovation that could end up saving you money is ditching your storm windows and upgrading to double-pane windows instead. Double-pane windows lose less heat in the winter and are associated with lower cooling costs in the summer.

When is it best to do it?

There are any number of times that are good for home renovations, but you should definitely be considering it if your house is more than a few decades old or if you start to notice that things look outdated or broken.

There is no specific time-frame for doing renovations, but if you think something is damaged or broken, it’s important to renovate it as quickly as possible. Leaving things for later can make the damage worse or affect your property value.

How is the process completed?


If you’re familiar with exterior renovation and you have the time and tools, you can take on the project yourself of course. But if you’re not comfortable or just don’t have the time to do a DIY exterior renovation, you can call on the services of one of the best exterior remodeling service in Maryland, Remodeling, M.D.

We’re professional contractors with many years of experience handling various exterior renovation jobs, and we can get things done quickly. Once you’ve decide to use our services, our professional contractors will visit your property to get a better understanding of your goals and the work needed. Then, we’ll provide you with a project proposal and quote for the project.

Once the proposal is approved, we begin with the design phase of the project, then move to the actual remodeling work. You’ll get frequent progress updates as the project moves through the phases. We’re known for completing projects on time and within budget.

We understand that all of this can be a little overwhelming and scary at times and that’s why we’re here to help. With over 30 years of experience, we’ve been able to assist many people like yourself through the entire process, from start to finish. Simply fill out your contact information below and one of our friendly and experienced staff members will contact you as soon as possible.



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